⚙️ Subscriptions with access to leagues no longer have a limit on how many they can create.
Version 2.10.6 Released 13/08/2024
🆕 All new registration process.
🆕 Capturing host type for an improved personalisation experience.
Version 2.10.5 Released 09/07/2024
🆕 Fifty fifty question type added.
Version 2.10.4 Released 23/05/2024
🆕 Added KwizzBit Solo Play version 2.
🆕 Added more analytics to the site.
🪲 Fixed issue when players are joining KwizzBit Live games without a venue.
Version 2.10.3 Released 24/04/2024
🪲 Fixed issue when payment fails you cannot change details and continue.
🪲 Fixed issue with the labels when scheduling a quiz in Safari.
🪲 Fixed issue when showing the league table when a player has deleted their account.
⚙️ Changed copy when adding a quiz to a league.
🪲 Fixed issue with leaderboard cut off at the end of quiz at certain screen sizes.
🪲 Fixed issue when joining game, having to type the pin in twice.
🪲 Fixed issue with leaderboard cut off at the end of quiz at certain screen sizes.
🪲 Fixed issue when joining game, having to type the pin in twice.
🪲 Fixed alignment issues on end of game screen.
⚙️ Changed the copy at the end of the quiz.
🪲 Fixed issue where the picture numerical questions do not show.
🪲 Fixed issue with the back button on the quiz builder, this now takes the user back to the correct page.
🪲 Fixed issue with the answers not having whitespace trimmed properly.
⛔️ Removed ability to create answers with a space at the end of the answer.
🪲 Fixed issue where the picture numerical questions do not show.
🪲 Fixed issue with the back button on the quiz builder, this now takes the user back to the correct page.
🪲 Fixed issue with the answers not having whitespace trimmed properly.
⛔️ Removed ability to create answers with a space at the end of the answer.
⚙️ Updated the delete question modal.
🆕 Added more detail to the question view.
🆕 Added a new button when creating a question to "Save and add another question".
🆕 Added a new button when creating a question to "Save and add another question".
Version 2.10.2 Released 04/12/2023
🪲 Fixed issue with the scoring for venues in KwizzBit Live quizzes.
🪲 Fixed issue with the scoring for venues in KwizzBit Live quizzes.
Version 2.10.1 Released 18/10/2023
🪲 Fixed error when trying to load Leagues page when not logged in.
🪲 Fixed error when trying to load Leagues page when not logged in.
🪲 Fixed issue with background music stopping game play on host side in certain versions of Safari.
🪲 Fixed issue when access to camera is denied and the host tries to stop stream.
🪲 Fixed issue when players rejoin a game and get a blank screen.
⛔️ Removed one version of the confetti when player answers correct. This is due to it causing errors in game play.
🪲 Fixed issue with background music stopping game play on host side in certain versions of Safari.
🪲 Fixed issue when access to camera is denied and the host tries to stop stream.
🪲 Fixed issue when players rejoin a game and get a blank screen.
⛔️ Removed one version of the confetti when player answers correct. This is due to it causing errors in game play.
🪲 Stopped users being able to continue with the quiz creation until the image is uploaded, if one is used.
🪲 Stopped users being able to continue with the quiz creation until the image is uploaded, if one is used.
Version 2.10.0 Released 11/10/2023
🪲 Fixed the load more results link on the My past quizzes page.
🪲 Fixed the load more results link on the My quizzes page.
⚙️ Changed the default button for the My details page form.
🪲 Fixed the load more results link on the My past quizzes page.
🪲 Fixed the load more results link on the My quizzes page.
⚙️ Changed the default button for the My details page form.
🆕 KwizzBit Play added to the system.
Version 2.9.1 Released 20/09/2023
🪲 Fixed issue with end game link not appearing.
🎨 Corrected font colour on the view quiz page.
⛔️ Removed redundant title if no quiz description on the view quiz page.
🆕 New enterprise features.
🪲 Fixed the guest play functionality.
🆕 Additional question insight data added for questions.
Version 2.9.0 Released 30/08/2023
🪲 Scheduled time on the view quiz page corrected to 24 hour clock.
🆕 Added past quizzes landing page.
🆕 Added host name to quiz card.
🪲 Fixed issue with picture correct order question type not shuffling answers.
🆕 Ability to create and compile quizzes from our existing quizzes in the system.
🆕 Insight data capture added for quiz questions.
🪲 Fixed the tension music when showing questions.
🆕 Ability to remove guest play from quizzes.
🆕 Added new music question type for 2 from 4.
🆕 Added new music question type for numerical.
🆕 Added new music question type for correct order.
Version 2.8.1 Released 03/07/2023
🪲 Fixed issue with not being able to see all of the quizzes for certain accounts.
Version 2.8.0 Released 29/06/2023
🆕 KwizzBit Music added to the system.
⚙️ Refactored the quiz builder experience.
🆕 Added new question type for picture 2 from 4 to the quiz builder.
🆕 Added new question type for picture numerical to the quiz builder.
🆕 Added new question type for picture correct order to the quiz builder.
🆕 Added ability to remove a whole round from a quiz.
⚙️ Pre-loaded quiz images for smoother gameplay.
Version 2.7.0 Released 06/06/2023
🪲 Fixed issue with scores being calculated twice on end game.
🆕 KwizzBit Leagues added to the system.
Version 2.6.1 Released 31/05/2023
🪲 Fixed issue with the venue stream not starting correctly on KwizzBit Live.
🪲 Fixed issue with the venue scoring on KwizzBit Live.
🪲 Fixed issue with certain pages across the website not being able to refresh page.
⚙️ Increased the stream quality for KwizzBit Live quizzes.
🆕 Reconnect to stream button added upon refresh of the KwizzBit Live venue page.
Version 2.6.0 Released 03/05/2023
🆕 KwizzBit Live added to the system.
🆕 Added release notes page.
🪲 Fixed issue with picture question which would allow you to save without a correct answer.
Version 2.5.1 Released 28/03/2023
🪲 Main navigation fades in once loaded correctly.
🪲 Fixed issue with the "Let's get started" modal jumping when loaded.
⚙️ Moved the position of the "Let's get started" modal when clicking create new quiz for desktop.
🪲 Fixed issue where the text cursor would move to the end of the text box when editing an answer.
🪲 Added better error messaging on image upload issues.
🪲 Fixed incorrect second round page layout when refreshing the quiz builder.
🪲 Fixed issue with the answers not loading when editing a picture question.
🪲 Fixed issue with not being able to edit a picture questions image.
🪲 Fixed issue with correct order question answers not re-shuffling on browser back button.
🪲 Fixed issue where creating a new quiz and then cancelling the newly created quiz, if you then start to create a new quiz the questions from the cancelled quiz would appear.
🪲 Fixed issue with error states on the picture question not being shown immediately.
🪲 Fixed issue with error state not being removed when the question is removed from the quiz.
🪲 Fixed issue with error states not being visible in any round other than round one.
🪲 Fixed issue when dragging questions around the quiz would not allow you to edit the same question.
🪲 Fixed issue with correct order questions failing. When changing the question type to a correct order from another question type the question would fail when playing the quiz.
⛔️ Removed image when saving image after swapping question type.
Version 2.5.0 Released 27/02/2023
🆕 Added the ability to create quizzes with a double point question.
Version 2.4.0 Released 06/02/2023
⚙️ Updated copy for transactional emails.
🆕 Added the ability to buy KwizzBit for just one month.
⚙️ Minor changes to the profanity filter for player names.
Version 2.3.0 Released 06/12/2022
⛔️ Removed the next invoice date on the checkout page.
⛔️ Removed the quiz rating panel after a quiz has ended.
Version 2.2.0 Released 24/10/2022
⛔️ Removed the links to the old website on the login and sign-up pages.
🆕 Added a new backlink at the top of the category pages.
🆕 Added the ability to use coupons when signing up for a subscription or changing a subscription.
🪲 Correct order question answers would reset to the correct order if you closed the question by clicking ‘close’.
🆕 Added a total count of questions when editing or creating a quiz.
⛔️ Removed the picture from the player's screen when they are looking at the answers.
🆕 Added the tension music into the game with the ability to mute and unmute.